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Top 8 Landing Page Metrics To Track

You have finally decided on your digital marketing strategies but are unsure how you can convert the visitors you acquire? A well-designed and effective landing page stand out as one of the most valuable parts of your marketing steps at this point as it sparks off your visitors either to stay or to leave. 

The landing page is the first address your visitors arrive at when they click on the link you provided in your campaign. Thus, carrying them to the exact promise they came for is a must if you want to guarantee the success of your efforts.

Luckily, there are many tools that help you to analyze how well your landing page is performing. In this article, I will provide you with some of the useful metrics that can allow you to reach the best version of your landing page, thus, the most amount of conversion. 

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate refers to the number of people who meet the targeted activity of your landing page. The desired action can range from a simple button click or form completion to memberships and subscriptions. It can also be more than one, in which case you will have different conversion rates. The important thing is that you decide on the target you want to achieve and lead your visitors straightly to that page. 

How do you calculate Conversion Rate?

The formula is simple: Just divide the number of goal completions by the total portion of visitors, and multiply the outcome by 100. 

From: Nexoya

Why is Conversion Rate important?

The proportion of the visitors that take the desired action of your campaign tells you the effectiveness of your landing page. 

How does your landing page perform? What parts of the site do your viewers spend more time on? How do they navigate through the page? These are some of the questions you should consider when working on your website. 

Analyzing the page through the visitor’s lens can give you some clues on the parts that are open to improvement, and by optimizing the conversion rate of your landing page, you can achieve your goals more quickly. 

Demo Book Rate

For Saas companies, a product demo is one of the most crucial parts of their sales funnels. It is the demonstration of your service; therefore, the question for the potential customer becomes whether it will truly address their problems or not. If you can not clearly showcase the significance of your product and prove how exactly it is relevant for the visitor, they won’t convert into a client, and that is obviously not the goal of your demo landing page. 

But how do you persuade your prospects into booking a demo? Most important things to do are relevance and personalization. Your audience will be much more receptive if your language meets their interests, preferences, and their industry. Researching your target audience before approaching them will also help you discern the particular features they need and develop more practical answers. 

Why is Demo Book Rate important?

A demo is your chance to prove that your service is the exact tool your prospects need, so it must be as effective as possible. If your book rate is low, you might check if your landing page is reaching the target audience, or whether there are any parts of the website you can improve. Downsizing the amount of data required from the user and incorporating other setups of spam prevention instead of Captcha and Recaptcha can be helpful in terms of encouraging the users to fill out the demo forms.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the ratio of the users who leave your page after a single view. It is one of the critical metrics as it informs you about the impressiveness of the page, and whether it was interesting enough for the viewer to stay for a significant amount of time and consume the content you are offering. 

Different from an exit page, bounce rate tells you that the user did not make any interaction. So, if your bounce rate is high, that means your page was not fulfilling the viewer’s needs, or that they did not consider it worthy of their time.  

How do you calculate Bounce Rate?

Similar to conversion rate, bounce rate is calculated by dividing the number of one-page viewers by the total number of website visits and multiplying it by 100 if you want to have the percentage. 

Why is Bounce Rate important?

The bounce rate on your landing page tells you about the effectiveness of your website. So, if the rate is high, you may consider optimizing your landing page through A/B testing for a better user experience or review your traffic acquisition. Even if your website is brilliant for your audience, you have to be sure that the page really reaches the target. 

Session Duration

Session duration refers to the active time your viewer spends between their first arrival at your website and their departure. It concerns all the activities they take on your page as all the interactions count for the time spent. 

This duration may change from website to website. A content blog that relies on articles or videos would estimate an extended time as long as the user takes a CTA or navigates to another page on that site, but compared to web pages that are based on more interaction, the session spent on an article may be shorter.

Similarly, B2C businesses tend to get 43.3 percent more session spans than B2B websites. The key issue here is, then, understanding the session duration unique to your business and using benchmarks to compare yourself with similar enterprises. 

How do you calculate Session Duration?

The session duration is measured as the time difference between the first and last entry. To get the average session duration, you can use the formula below:

From: Nexoya

Why is Session Duration important?

Understanding how much time your visitors spend on your landing page gives you insight into its appeal to the viewer. Ideally, the session duration should be long enough to prove the engagement of the user and therefore, the efficacy of your actions. 

Sessions by Source

In analytics, sessions by the source are the categorization of the number of sessions by different traffic sources. Do your users mostly come from search engines, referring sites, or direct traffic? How much time do they spend varying from source to source? Analyzing the sessions by source can provide you with valuable answers on this regard.

How do you calculate Sessions by Source?

Usually, a session where the user is counted as active is 30 minutes by default. However, each time they interact with the page, click on a button, or go to a new site, this duration is extended. If they remain inactive within the first 30 minutes and then come back, a new session will start.

A viewer can also launch more than one session simultaneously if they return through a different campaign source.

Why is Sessions by Source important?

Knowing the channel through which your viewers land the most helps you evaluate the performance of each source. By measuring which route works better for your company, you can focus on the ones that bring more profit. 

Form Abandonment

As the name suggests, form abandonment is the portion of users who began filling out the needed data on your form but departed in its midst. Considering that marketing plans take too much time and effort, you wouldn’t want to miss the potential leads that came to your website. After all, people who start filling out the form on your landing page demonstrate to be interested and engaged in your product, so losing them would essentially mean a hindrance to your revenue.

From: Insiteful

How do you calculate Form Abandonment?

There is no official formula for form abandonment, but you can think of it as similar to cart abandonment. In that case, the formula would be:

Form Abandonment = 1 – ( # Forms Completed / Forms Initiated) 

Why is Form Abandonment important?

Forms are one of the opportunities to present your service to the audience. So, if your prospects leave the form without finishing it, it is highly likely to require too much personal information from the user. There are many external distractions that you can not command. Still, by minimizing the form to a version with only the fundamental questions, you can reduce the rate at which the users leave your page and thereby expand conversion. 

Visitor to Lead Ratio

Your website hosts many visitors every day, each with different interests and through different channels. The important thing is that you convert these viewers into leads, and this rate gives you exactly the percentage of converted visitors within a specific time period. 

How do you calculate Visitor to Lead Ratio?

Dividing the number of leads by total number of visitors gives you the rate. For example, if your webpages receives 10,000 visitors every month, and 3,000 of them become leads, your visitor to lead rate would be 3,000/10,000.  

From: Corporate Finance Institute

Why is Visitor to Lead Ratio important?

You might have launched an amazing website with a practical user experience, but that means only a little if your conversion rates are low. There might be other issues such as relevance problems, or your page is not as accessible to your viewers as you consider it to be. Remember, your landing page functions well only so long as it catches important leads. Therefore, it should be able to draw potential customers as effectively as possible.

Returning User Rate

According to a study conducted by Barilliance, the conversion rate of returning visitors was 73.72% more than visitors who came for the first time. This means that retained visitors are the foundation of your enterprise. But what exactly is this returning visitor rate, and how do you measure it? 

Returning visitor rate is the number of recurring viewers on your webpage that come back within a definite time period using the same device. 

From: Monster Insights

How do you calculate Returning User Rate?

You can attain this rate by dividing the number of recurrent visitors by the total amount of unique visitors within a set timeframe. 

Why is Returning User Rate important?

A high returning rate shows that your website is useful and unique, and the cost of acquiring new customers is always much more than that of the ones you already have. Thus, ensuring that your visitors choose to come regularly is crucial if you want them to turn into loyal customers who bring profit. 


Marketing is a long and challenging process. With an abundance of metrics to guide your way, it is even harder as they might get you lost. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By knowing which of them work best for you and getting used to them in time, you can successfully steer your marketing and sales operations. 

In this article, I explored the key metrics you can use for your landing page. Remember, your landing page is your first engagement with your potential customers. Therefore, continuously analyzing and optimizing your website to be better able to offer the value of your company should be your main goal. If you can not reach the ideal audience or if you lose them due to bad user experience, your landing page won’t reach the conversions you aim for.


What is a landing page? 

A landing page is a single web page where prospective buyers arrive at upon clicking on an ad, social media link, email or any other traffic source. It directs your viewers to the precise campaign you want to offer and prompts them to take action. 

What are the best landing page metrics?

There are many landing page metrics, but the key ones are as follows:
1. Conversion Rate
2. Demo Book Rate
3. Sessions by Source
4. Bounce Rate
5. Session Duration
6. Visitor to Lead Ratio
7. Form Abandonment
8. Returning User Rate

How can you increase your conversion rates?

Optimizing your landing page so as to make it more user friendly is always the key. Avoid designs that make it hard to navigate through the site, and demonstrate your offer clearly. The prospetives should be able to understand how your service aligns with their preferences.

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