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What Is Marketing Reach & Ways To Maximize It TODAY

Marketing reach is an key performance metric that helps with optimizing your time and resource spending in the best way possible.

If you are in the marketing or advertising industry, you have probably heard this term before, but read more to find out how to calculate your market reach, how it differs from impressions and strategies that will help you reach more potential customers.


What Is Marketing Reach?

You want your ads and campaigns to reach as many of your target audience as possible. But you also know that it’s impossible to reach all possible customers.

However the number of people who do view your marketing campaign is called your marketing reach —whether the advertising campaign is a TV ad, physical brochure, or any form of promotional media.

Calculating the market reach of each campaign, both before and after execution, helps you quantify the effects of your marketing projects and visualize how well they will do (or are doing).

Let’s say that you want to put out a Google display ad. You should consider how many people will be seeing your ad and compare it to the money you will spend on the ad in order to see if it’s worth your time and budget. And after you put out the ad, you should again check how many people view the ad and compare it with your spending, so that you will know if the display ad lived up to your expectations.

This will lead you in the direction of making healthier marketing decisions that will save you time, effort, and advertisement budget. When you work closely with the market reach of each advertising campaign, you will find yourself optimizing the ROI.

Is Reach Important for Marketing?

Calculating the audience that your advertising campaigns will reach has been a very important issue since the first days of the marketing concept.

However, in today’s modern marketing era, it has become one factor that determines the future of a company in the sector.

These days, when we can create many more unique advertising concepts, unlike classical mediums, steps not taken by analyzing marketing reach may even cause your marketing strategy to collapse completely.

By acting in line with your marketing reach, you can identify which of your potential ad campaigns are worth investing in. This allows you to keep your money that you can channel to other campaigns or investment areas.

When it comes to your existing advertising campaigns, marketing reach helps you develop more efficient campaigns.

Comparing your marketing reach with the current status of your campaign and making improvements accordingly to this comparison will help you acquire potential users.

Not only making improvements but also understanding the user segment you are addressing and preparing specially designed advertising campaigns for these users is also an important benefit of calculating market reach.

In connection with all of the above, observing marketing reach helps you be prepared for everything.

Depending on the seasons or special periods, the marketing reach may narrow or expand at certain times of the year.

During these periods, spending more than necessary or not providing satisfactory service to the user is possible because you are caught unprepared.

Taking precautions against these negative possibilities will prevent you from using your budget and resources inefficiently and falling into difficult situations.

How to Calculate Marketing Reach

Since marketing reach is special to each different advertising campaign; how easy it is to calculate, depends on the medium.

Almost all of the time you will already have an estimated marketing reach —like how many people are watching TV at the time slot your ad is on, or how many people will be shown your sponsored Instagram post.

However, this is where things get a little tricky. It is really hard to know what amount of people really perceive your advertisement when it comes to TV commercials, billboards, flyers, or other types of offline media.

offline mediums

Yes, you will have an estimated reach with these mediums as well, but because they address to a much larger and randomly selected audience and because they are not as personal as online mediums, they will not be so accurate.

While you have a large marketing reach at your hands, a lot of people will not be paying attention to your content so the real number will actually be much lower and you won’t be able to get a realistic number of your potential audience.

But when you are working with online mediums (social media, Google Ads, etc.), you are able to see the estimated “reach” or “potential audience size” before your marketing campaign execution and this is often much more accurate than offline mediums.

Besides getting your estimated reach from the marketing platforms themselves, you can also calculate this KPI yourself. The generic formula used to find marketing reach for a marketing campaign is the number of impressions divided by frequency (impressions/frequency).

What Is the Difference Between Reach and Impressions?

Marketing reach is the total number of unique people who view your content. Impressions, on the other hand, are the number of times your content is being displayed, whether any interaction has been made or not.

Let’s take a promotional Instagram post as an example. You share the post on your account aiming to reach all of your followers. However, only a percentage of them will see and engage with the post and that percentage of people will be your marketing reach.

And, the number of times your post is displayed on people’s screens will be the number of impressions.

Do not forget that a single person can have more than one impression per content. They can see your post on their feed, and later they will see it on a friend’s Story, then later another friend will send the link to them. There will be a total of three impressions, but only one unique viewer —meaning one reach.

What Is More Important: Reach or Impressions?

It wouldn’t be right to choose one of the reach and impression as more important, because these two SaaS marketing metrics serve different purposes.

When calculating the efficiency of your advertising campaign, you need to analyze your reach in some cases and your impression in other cases.

  • The user often does not interact with your ad content until they see and become familiar with your content over and over again. Therefore, less impression can be evaluated as negative.
  • However, advertisement content that is encountered more than normal can also drive the user away.
  • If the width of your marketing reach isn’t generating engagement, it may mean you’re reaching a broad audience outside of your ideal audience.

In situations like this, reach and impression alone means nothing.

Thus, under specific conditions, both can become radically important.

How Can You Increase Your Marketing Reach?

Now that you know what marketing reach means, how to calculate it and how it differs from impressions; how do you increase your marketing reach?

Here are six tips that will help your business connect with wider audiences:

  1. Increase your network. Working with other businesses that target the same market as you will open a new window for your business to show itself to the audience.We want to reach every bit of our market,but it is nearly impossible. However, there might be a significant amount of people that other businesses have connections with and you don’t.The more brands you partner with and the more credible sources suggest your products; the larger audiences you will reach.
  2. Create a newsletter. Email marketing campaigns feel more personal and end up having more clicks to the website than other digital marketing channels. With a newsletter not only your marketing reach will increase, but you will also reach people who are more likely to make a purchase from your business.A newsletter has also been proven as the type of marketing channel that offers the highest return on investment (ROI).
  1. Get familiar with social media. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are where most people spend their online-time at. And if you are also a social-media-user, you might have realized that there are tons of different pieces of content on your page every minute, including promotional posts and ads.Because there are a lot of people and a very fast content flow, social media can be one of the easiest ways to reach many people.
  2. Master referral marketing. Referral marketing is when your customers help you market your products or services by spreading the word about your business to potential customers. referralThis gives you credibility and also helps you reach different audiences that you normally wouldn’t with only your own marketing campaigns.If you give people a great experience on your website and with your products, they will talk about it. And that will bring other people who will bring other people.
  3. Address multiple audiences. While narrowing down your target audience, be careful not to narrow it down too much. But also remember that different core audiences require different marketing strategies.But different marketing doesn’t mean that you can address only a single type of core audience. You don’t have to give up a whole bunch of potential customers because they have different needs.Branch out your marketing models, marketing campaigns, and ads so that you can reach as many interested people as you can.
  4. Use more visual marketing. Studies have shown that when information is presented visually, more people are likely to consume it and actually comprehend it.When you are lazily scrolling through your Instagram feed and you see four paragraphs of writing you’ll probably just keep scrolling. But if the same information were to be summarized and given in an infographic form, you might read the short pieces of knowledge.


Marketing would be really easy if you could just create a campaign and reach the people you had intended to. Unfortunately, the internet is more crowded than ever, and users easily look past your ads and campaigns, or they never see them in the first place. Learning about marketing reach and improving your campaigns based on this knowledge can get you your money’s worth.

If you know your target audience, their behaviours and the content they’re looking for, you’ll greatly improve your marketing reach and thus your ROI.


Why is marketing reach important?

Knowing your marketing reach allows you to make better-informed decisions about marketing campaigns and helps you better arrange your resources based on the effect different mediums will have.

How is marketing reach calculated?

Marketing reach changes for each digital marketing channel and medium, but the generic formula you can use to calculate your own marketing reach is impressions divided by frequency (impressions/frequency). There is a more detailed section in this article about this question.

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