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Deals Overview Dashboard

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What does it measure?

This dashboard provides consolidated insight into leads, pipeline, and deals, focusing not only on the ROI of each channel but also offering a uniform overview of your company's marketing and sales performance.

What can I do with this?

-Understand SDR and AE productivity and revenue contribution at scale.

-Pinpoint potential leaks in the revenue funnel and identify opportunities to increase your close rate.

-Track target account, inbound, and outbound performance with different splits."

-Prioritize which deals to focus on now, and which deals to focus on next month.

Dashboard breakdown

The first report in this dashboard shows a high-level view of your funnel—you can split this data by SDRs, AEs, inbound and outbound, or by specific marketing or sales activities.

Additionally, it tracks the progression of leads to closed-won opportunities over time, enabling you to analyze trends and identify patterns in your sales team’s performance by week on week, or month on month, or quarter on quarter.

Open Opportunities over time

The next report provides an overview of inbound and outbound open opportunities over the time period you've chosen, as well as the current value of deals in the pipeline. These figures are crucial for assessing the health of your pipeline. By having them displayed over time, you can observe changes across a longer period, which can help you diagnose any issues with your current pipeline.

This is also important to understand cohorts - by looking at this data, you can understand what % of your deals was created last month but became pipeline this month, and what % of your pipeline next month will come from the deals created this month.

Win by Segment

This report shows your pipeline, ACV, revenue, and win rate by different segments. This is important because you can easily pinpoint problems or identify opportunities by looking at these conversion metrics. By having access to this data, you can not only track performance up to date but also optimize resource allocation to improve your revenue efficiency.

For example, if you notice that the win rate in the SMB segment has been decreasing over the last two weeks, you can easily identify this trend here and then drill down to a micro-level to analyze the root cause.

Sales Team Metrics

The first report in this row shows the sales quota attainment, you can see the sales team's performance against their monthly, quarterly, or yearly targets. Alternatively, you can look at this data on the SDR-level, or you can split it by inbound and outbound.

The next report displays data for meetings booked, presented in a gauge bar, which provides insight into performance versus the goal.

Following this, we have a report showing data for Target Accounts Reached versus the Goal. If you have target account lists, you can easily see how much of this list has been reached out. 

The last report in this row shows the open deals by deal type, whether it is 1st part or 3rd party intent.

Next, we have the number of average accounts by SDR and average open deals by AE. These two metrics provide great insight into the current workload, productivity, and efficiency of the sales team.

Breakdowns for all deals

These breakdown reports help you track your sales funnel by regions and company sizes. This enables you to evaluate your funnel performance and make necessary adjustments if necessary. For example, if. you see a performance in decreasing in a specific region or ACV is increasing in a particular company size, then you can see what's causing these. Furthermore, with HockeyStack, you can create custom columns, this allows you to tailor the report to track the specific KPIs you're interested in.

Source of Inbound Deals 

This report shows sources of inbound deals, so you know the effectiveness of each channel and can adjust accordingly.

Industries that Request Demo and Convert

Lift Reports measure the incremental impact of an action or property on conversion rates. For example, they assess how an ad click influences demo conversions.

In this instance, we generated a report to demonstrate how a company's industry affects the likelihood of requesting a demo and converting. This is important because you can easily understand which industries or regions are more likely to convert, or which job titles are more likely to pay more and you can prfioritize your deals easily.

Target Accounts vs Target Accounts Meetings Booked

This report compares booked meetings with target accounts. If your team has target account lists, you can track the account performance here. Alternatively, you can use this to compare the inbound and outbound performance, or SDR to AE performance.

Sales Cycles Length

Next, we have two reports showing Sales Cycle Length for both Inbound and Outbound. This data can be used in three ways:

Firstly, you can understand how the sales cycle changes by deal sources, contract value, or regions. This will help you to prioritize specific deals at different times. For instance, if you need cash flow, you can guide your team to focus on specific deals. However, if you want long-term high-value deals, then you can easily shift your focus by looking at these data. This is important especially through end of quarters. 

Secondly, you can easily forecast the sales team's quota and what percentage of their targets they will be able to hit within the given period.

Thirdly, you can analyze this data by different splits—for example, you can compare how long it takes one sales team to close deals compared to another, or you can break it down at the SDR or AE levels.

Inbound and Outbound ACV

The final two reports focus on showing ACV for both inbound and outbound deals.

The entire dashboard not only provides top-level insights but also serves as a valuable resource for end-of-month/quarter/year reporting. It offers key data necessary for sharing with stakeholders, conveniently accessible in one place

Here’s the Full Dashboard

Learn more about how HockeyStack helps marketing, revenue, and sales teams surface and action insights like the ones in this template by exploring the interactive demo or booking a virtual demo.

Kris Wojcik
Growth Manager @ HockeyStack
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