Odin prompt library

Which campaigns are most impactful for driving conversions at each stage of the funnel?

Ask Odin to identify the top campaigns driving conversions through your funnel.

To answer this question before Odin, marketers would work back and forth with their operations team to define funnel stages and select relevant conversion metrics at each funnel stage. 

They would then need to wait for reports to be built and analyze the best performing campaigns at each funnel stage using the reports. 

Odin can take care of this entire process end-to-end in a matter of seconds.

Which campaigns are most impactful for driving conversions at each stage of the funnel?
  1. Brand Awareness - Video Ads drive MQLs but convert poorly.
  2. Product Value - Display Ads are the most efficient at closing deals with a 43.4% win rate (Oppty → Closed Won).
  3. Social Proof Ads perform well across the funnel, with a 6.5% MQL → Oppty conversion rate and a 27.5% win rate.
  4. Retargeting - Enterprise drives the most opportunities but doesn't convert as strongly to closed deals compared to other campaigns.
  5. Product Value messaging dominates revenue generation ($9.2M), proving it's the strongest bottom-funnel driver.

What Should We Do Next?

  1. Shift part of the budget from Brand Awareness (Video Ads) to Retargeting or Product Value campaigns. 
    • Mitigate for the risk of decreasing long-term pipeline growth by improving targeting and messaging to increase quality of MQLs generated by Brand Awareness (Video Ads) campaign
  2. Scale Social Proof Ads—they perform well at all stages.
  3. Double down on Product Value campaigns—they convert best at the bottom of the funnel.
  4. Evaluate why Retargeting generates high opportunities but fewer closed deals.