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5 Strategies for Conducting Customer Experience Analysis

A positive customer experience is the way to go if you want your customers to be loyal and your company to keep growing. In fact, 86% of customers say they are willing to pay more for a better customer experience according to a research.

But how do you know you are offering a positive customer experience?

The answer to that question lies in customer experience analysis.

Customer experience analysis gives you data about how your customers interact with your brand and how that interaction affects their perception of your company. You can determine the main causes of leads leaving your funnel by studying the customer experience. By analyzing the customer experience, you find out the top reasons why leads drop out in the funnel and understand why customers stick around and want to continue doing business with you.

If you are interested in finding out more about customer experience analysis and different strategies to measure customer experience, keep reading.

What is Customer Experience Analysis?

Customer experience analysis is the in-depth evaluation of how customers and potential customers interact with your brand and what that interaction is like. It is a method for measuring whether your product/service meets the expectations of your customers or not.

An image of a computer screen with a hand reaching out to it and clicking to the fourth star out of the five stars on the screen.

Customer experience analysis is usually used in situations like when you want to find out what convinces users’ to continue to consider your product/service or to find out what is wrong with your sales funnels. It is also used to see if the processes that work best can be applied to other areas to ensure your customers are provided with an experience that is guaranteed to work.

Whether it is direct interactions like targeted ads, customer service calls, and marketing calls, or indirect interactions like online reviews and ratings on social media. You can think of CX analysis as a way of answering questions like:

How did the customer’s interaction with my brand go?

How can I integrate feedback into my marketing strategies?

How can I use customer data to optimize marketing strategies?

How Does Customer Experience Analysis Affect Marketing Strategies?

CX analysis shows you where you meet your customers’ expectations and where you fall short. This enables you identify key reasons of fallout and optimize specific points in the customer journey.

For example, if you determine that your customers are not satisfied with your website, your marketing strategies will naturally be more focused on improving and advertising your website.

Analyzing the customer experience allows you to respond to your customers and improve their experience by working on your brand to better serve the customers and changing your marketing strategies.

5 Strategies to Measure Customer Experience Beyond NPS

So, now you know more about customer experience and its importance, but you’re probably wondering how can it be solved.

While measuring your NPS is important, that’s not all there is to CX analysis. Below, I’ve listed 5 strategies to measure customer experience that go beyond NPS, allowing you to conduct a more in-depth analysis of your customer experience and identify how to improve the customer journey.

1. Website Analysis

The first area to look at is your website since it is often the first point of interaction for several customers.

You should make sure your website looks professional and is optimized and equipped with all the necessary features while offering a smooth user experience.

An image of two computer screens with websites on them

Performing constant analysis of your website will help you identify any problems with your user interface, navigability, and load speeds. Using a tool like Hockeystack, you will be able to view the entire customer journey and figure out if any of these issues are resulting in dropped leads. Also, you can determine which blog posts bring the most signups, which pages or features attract the most views from potential customers, and in what order.

2. Map Out The Customer Experience/journey

Customer journey mapping is the entire path a customer takes to make a purchase through the marketing and onboarding process. It is visualizing the entire process of a customer’s journey step by step, from the start of a customer’s interaction with your business, until after the sale has been made.

Let’s say a customer sees your product in an online advertisement. Now they could either click on the advertisement or search for your product online and buy your product after some research. Later, they could need some assistance with your product and call your customer representatives to find out what they need help with.

Every action that happens in this example is a part of your customer journey map.

Customer experience mapping is a visualization of any kind of interaction a customer had with your business. and it is, unlike Customer Journey Maps, not limited to a specific product or service.

Mapping your customer experience is the process of mapping every possible touchpoint, regardless of whether they made a single purchase, multiple ones, or none at all.

Customer experience maps are used in situations when you don’t know where a problem lies in your marketing and customer journey process or when you just want to figure out what’s working best in the entire process.

For example, let’s say you have a good amount of traffic on your website but you don’t see this traffic convert to customers.

A screenshot of Blog journey funnel dashboard from
Screenshot taken from:

Now, you could have a problem with your marketing campaign which targets the wrong audience or you might have an issue with your website that makes it difficult for users to convert. A customer experience map can help you dive deeper into what exactly causes people to decide against converting and to leave.

This way, you can find the problem and work on it.

3. Utilize a CRM Tool

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with current and potential customers.

A CRM system helps you stay connected to your customers, collects customers’ websites, emails, telephone numbers, social media data, etc., and organizes this information to give you a complete record of individuals and companies. It allows you to track the activities, tasks and targets of your company. It enables your employees to message, answer and give feedback to each other through a messaging system, making it easier to check up on your staff in the field.

You can also connect your CRM tool to Hockeystack, using one-click integration, connect sales with marketing, revenue, and product data. and create every single dashboard you can imagine in seconds.

4. Track What Your Competitors Are Doing

Spend some time to find out what your competitors are doing. Look at your leading competitors to see how they are approaching the industry and customer experience problems.

An illustration of a basic column graph

Try to see what strategies they are using, observe their website to identify their strengths and weaknesses, onboarding processes, marketing campaigns, products/services they offer, and reviews of their products/services and how they differ from yours.

You also need to keep an eye on the customer experience that your competitors are offering. See if there’s anything unique that they’re doing and try to evaluate whether it is working for them or not so that you can offer a similar or even better customer experience.

5. Collect and Incorporate Feedback

Reach out to your customers, and keep track of reviews of your product/service online to learn what kind of difficulties they face, and what issues they have with your brand. And you can use a tool like Hockeystack to easily and quickly create and utilize the uses of customer surveys.

Analyze the issues you find and measure how serious or urgent they are and break down these issues as micro and macro-level issues:

  • Micro-level issues: Take a look at customer complaints and see if this issue stems from a failure on part of an employee or company policy. If it is caused by an employee, you can commit to having them educated on the proper approach to a customer. If it is caused by the company policy, you can have someone reach out to the customer who made the complaint and offer to explain it. And while you should not commit to changing the company policy right away, you can commit to discussing it with the policymakers to look for alternatives.
  • Macro-level issues: Look at the big picture and identify where the most complaints occur in your customer journey. Remember to keep in mind that not all feedback is equal and you need to learn to prioritize what’s important. To ensure your improvements have the highest impact, try considering the following two factors:
    • How common is the experience?
    • How serious is the issue?

Once you identify the most common and serious problems, you can address them by changing your company policies, training your staff, redesigning your website, making changes, and rethinking your processes in ways that optimize the customer experience.

Managing Customer Relationships with Customer Experience Analysis

Customer experience analysis enables you to evaluate customers’ behavior. It provides a new perspective on people’s decisions and actions when engaging with your brand. For example, knowing why customers click on a button or sign-up for a mailing list allows you to come up with new opportunities and engagement points.

Once you conduct your customer experience analysis, you naturally understand your customers better and know where you fall short. In doing so, you will also be able to figure out the best ways to approach them.

Having an optimized service and marketing according to your customers’ behaviors will help you convert more customers, keep the current ones satisfied, and will enable you to have an overall better understanding of your customers’ needs and expectations.


Understanding your customers’ experience is not very complicated once you have a proper plan, a variety of metrics that you track regularly, and a well-thought-out strategy. To have this sorted, you can leverage a tool like Hockeystack to help you analyze your website and customer experience and to help you connect all your data in one place.

Start looking into CX analysis today to unlock insights into your customers, marketing, and understand how to increase customer satisfaction.

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