Account-based Marketing

Overview of 6sense integration with HockeyStack.


About 6sense

6sense is on a mission to revolutionize the way B2B organizations create revenue by predicting customers most likely to buy and recommending the best course of action to engage anonymous buying teams.

About the integration

HockeyStack’s integrates with 6sense to tie anonymous website visitors to their companies, including company firmographics, 6sense buying stage, 6sense intent score, and 6sense ICP fit. This data is automatically connected to any other company-related data coming from other integrations like your CRM, marketing automation, or LinkedIn Ads impressions.

Benefits of integration

1. Reveal buyer identities before they reveal themselves

HockeyStack tracks touchpoints of anonymous website visitors, then retroactively attaches an identity to those touchpoints once those visitors reveal themselves with a form submission. But with the 6sense integration or add-on, you can reveal the accounts of those buyers before they reveal themselves.


De-anonymize website visitors with 6sense before they reveal themselves so you can track and visualize touchpoints at the account-level.

2. Arm your sales team with high-intent leads and contacts

With accounts de-anonymized, you can now use HockeyStack to see all members of the buying committee, what content they engaged with during their discovery, and what their buying intent score sits at. Use this information to prioritize outbound and tailor your messaging.


Analyze customer journeys before they reveal themselves, but also use HockeyStack’s predictive analytics to identify which companies show intent to buy.

3. Build custom segments using 6sense properties

HockeyStack makes it east to segment audiences into cohorts for more granular analysis. With the 6sense integration, you can build custom segments using any of the following 6sense properties:

  • Company domain
  • Company name
  • Company annual revenue
  • Company country
  • Company employee count
  • Company industry
  • 6sense confidence score
  • 6sense buying stage
  • 6sense intent score
  • 6sense profile score
  • 6sense profile fit

For example, want to see how ICP fit buyers behave differently than non-ICP buyers? Want to analyze prospects by buying stage? Or want to drill down into sales cycle touchpoints for enterprise vs. mid-market buyers? Do it inside HockeyStack with the 6sense integration.


Build a custom segment using properties from 6sense. e.g. this segment is comprised of high intent leads without deals, and uses the company and intent score properties in 6sense to build it

Want to learn how to find high intent leads using HockeyStack? Check out the “High intent leads without deals” report template in our template library here.

How it works

There are two ways to integrate HockeyStack with 6sense:

  • If you have 6sense’s script on your website, HockeyStack automatically adds a snippet onto your website called hockeystack-6sense.min.js, which pulls data from the 6sense script
  • If not, you can contact your account manager to turn on 6sense using API key


  • HockeyStack paying customer- any plan
  • 6sense paying customer- “Team” account or higher
  • HockeyStack also provides a 6sense add-on that will give you all the benefits of the integration without purchasing the entire 6sense platform

Can HockeyStack report on display ads performance?

If you run display ads through 6sense, HockeyStack can track clicks through those ads and place them in the customer journey view next to all the other touchpoints using the UTM parameters from the ad.

How does HockeyStack use 6sense for enrichment?

HockeyStack uses 6sense’s account identification to enrich anonymous visitors with company identities and contact information.

Do we need to be a 6sense customer to use reverse IP?

No. HockeyStack is a certified partner of 6sense, which means you can add 6sense to your contract and gain all the benefits of the integration without purchasing a full license from 6sense.

Can HockeyStack bring in third-party intent data?

Yes. HockeyStack integrates with 6sense’s database of third-party intent data so you can analyze ICP fit, buying intent, intent stage, and company identities and contact information within our platform.


Connect company and intent data with detailed website activities.

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