

Overview of Salesforce integration with HockeyStack.


About Salesforce

Overview of HubSpot Salesforce empowers companies of every size and industry to connect with their customers through the power of data, AI, and customer relationship management (CRM). with HockeyStack.

About the integration

HockeyStack’s Salesforce integration pulls sales data from Salesforce CRM (accounts, contacts, leads, deal, event, email, campaigns, and more) and connects it with the rest of your customer data. Now you can analyze customer journeys and report on marketing and sales performance using metrics across CRM, ad platforms, marketing automation, and other mar-tech tools.

What’s included in the integration?

Salesforce objects

  • Salesforce lead
  • Salesforce contact
  • Salesforce account
  • Salesforce opportunity
  • Salesforce event
  • Salesforce campaign
  • Salesforce task
  • Salesforce custom object

Salesforce actions

  • Create record
  • Update record
  • Change campaign status
  • Add to campaign
  • Remove from campaign
  • Create or update record

Salesforce activities

  • Lead created / converted / updated
  • Contact created / updated
  • Opportunity created /updated / won
  • Task created / updated
  • Campaign created /updated
  • Campaign member added / removed

Benefits of integration

1. Un-silo CRM data

HockeyStack integrates data from your entire marketing ecosystem, making it easy to analyze KPIs from Salesforce with KPIs from ad platforms, marketing automation, live chat, ABM platforms, data warehouses and more. Analyze performance and build reports holistically across your entire go-to-market, not isolated data points inside your CRM.

2. Tie marketing spend to revenue- all of it

Pull all your CRM data into HockeyStack so you can connect marketing spend to revenue for ever account. From ad clicks to newsletters to CRM campaigns, HockeyStack tracks behavior all the way to closed/won revenue in Salesforce. Now you can automate offline conversion tracking with more accuracy and better measure influence of marketing activity on revenue.

3. Map account-level journeys of CRM contacts

HockeyStack tracks individual customer journeys, then places them inside an account-level journey where you can visualize each independent journey side by side in chronological order. Track customer journey touchpoints, from first touch to closed/won, of every account in Salesforce.

4. Arm your sales reps with intelligence

HockeyStack tracks customer journeys, reveals identities and contact information, and scores buyer intent for everyone in your CRM. Now sales can identify what content prospects engage with, who makes up the buying committee, how to contact them, and who’s ready to buy.

5. Clean CRM data automatically

Messy Salesforce data? Join the club. HockeyStack ingests, cleans, removes duplicates, and normalizes CRM data so you can analyze it effectively inside our platform, no matter how messy it is in Salesforce.

How it works

Integrate with Salesforce in a few minutes using HockeyStack’s native integration.
HockeyStack pulls actions and properties from Salesforce. Each action comes with action properties that provide more information about it.
For a full list of the objects and related actions we pull from Salesforce, see Salesforce Pulled Objects List.


  • HockeyStack paying customer- any plan
  • Salesforce paying customer- any plan


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