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Canberk's Enterprise Deal Flow Segment

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What does this cohort measure?

In HockeyStack, you can use attribution touchpoints and data points to build custom cohorts. This cohort is comprised of enterprise companies only, and visualizes how enterprise deals move from Linkedin ad impression to closed/won.

How can I use it?

  • Drill down into enterprise deals and visualize how they progress from Linkedin impression to closed/won
  • Gut check paid ad performance in real time
  • Give your sales detailed customer journeys about enterprise prospects so they can personalize their outbound
  • Arm your demand generation team with insights into what content enterprise deals engage with most

Enterprise deal cohort breakdown

Canberk's enterprise deal cohort is comprised of two sections:

First, a customer journey flow. Using reverse IP-lookup, HockeyStack identifies enterprise accounts, then visualizes their flow- from Linkedin ad impression to closed/won.

Using this flow, Canberk can not only see which enterprise deals start with Linkedin impressions (even if they don't click on ads), but he can also spot drop off in the funnel so he can adjust accordingly. This gives him quick visibility into whether or not his enterprise paid ads campaigns are moving people through the funnel.

The second section is enterprise customer journeys. HockeyStack uses multi-touch attribution to track touchpoints like ad impressions, website behavior, self-reported attribution, gifts received, Linkedin direct messages, downloads and more.

Canberk creates a cohort of customer journeys in HockeyStack so he can view all enterprise jouneys in one dashboard. For example, Canberk can drill down into the Lacuna account and see how many people from the account have visited the website, what pages they've visited and for how long, who attends the demo vs. who books the meeting (buying committee visibility), and which accounts have Linkedin ad impressions as their first touch. He can then take that information and share it with sales to personalize outbound or share it with demand gen to promote content enterprise accounts engage with most.

Learn more about how HockeyStack helps marketing, revenue, and sales teams surface and action insights like the ones in this template by exploring the interactive demo or booking a virtual demo.

About the Marketer

Connect on Linkedin: Canberk Beker

Canberk Beker
Head of Growth at HockeyStack
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